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Trifolium pratense

I kept dreaming of red clover last night

Dancing pinks and purples Light shining On tips Sparkling in the morning dew

That needle tip Can break through When something is stuck In a gentle way 3.24.17 Some things just keep coming to back to me. Last night I knew I had to make a red clover nourishing overnight infusion. I used to make it once a week, I could taste it when I thought of it, slightly sweet and bitter a little acrid and astringent... it feels cooling. As I drank it this morning, I had the feeling of a loosening, of this accumulated phlegm, old sinus crap. I need to restore the tissues, drain and start over. This simple beautiful little flower, thank you, I feel it working, I'll try to keep taking long term, maybe in a netti pot to restore tissue in nasal passage so long injured by sinus infections, hum.... Some herbs really do speak to us, just listen and you'll hear.


I am not a licensed Medical Doctor, nor do I suggest you try any of the methods or herbs mentioned without speaking to your health care provider. I cannot diagnose, or cure disease. If you are pregnant or nursing, I would advise against using herbs without talking to your doctor. If you are taking any prescription drugs, consult with your doctor before taking any herbs or supplements. Any writings are subject to change and are ideas to think about. All writings, photography and art are not permitted to be used or copied in any form, unless you have permission from Cornelia Tobey.

thank you

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